Vehicle detailed information
How to get vehicle detailed information
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How to get vehicle detailed information
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Viewing detailed information on a vehicle is available from several modules. To get detailed information about vehicles you can:
click on the car icon on the map,
drag the information panel with the necessary data from the right side of the application. To do this, just move the cursor over the black border of the right part of the window, click on it with the left mouse button and, while holding the mouse button, move the cursor to the left side.
Drag and drop of dashboard are available from any application module. Panel information is displayed for the last selected vehicles in the "Map" and "Statistics" modules. Moreover, selection means clicking on the car icon in the Map module or clicking on the tile of the vehicle in the Statistics module.
If no vehicle is selected, the information panel will remain blank.
The top part of the panel displays general information about the vehicle:
brand and model,
Owner's name,
state number,
scoring for the period,
signal quality,
the current vehicle location displayed on the map.
The dashboard includes the following tabs: